Helsinki-Team Ry is an umbrella organisation of district youth organisations that work in the area of Helsinki and greater Helsinki. At the moment the Team has18 member organisations of which total number of members exceeds 30.000 children and young people. The backrounds of these organisations vary a lot.
And time goes by…
The Team has a long history behind as it was founded already in 1943. The time it has lived is made of active and less active periods. When in 1970's the general meetings faced battles of who and what organisations are elected in the board of directors, today the Team is politically quite neutral. In respect of it’s activity, that is definitely increasing.
And Action!
Helsinki-Team arranges every year couple of events that are directed to the people working in the organisations. Every two years it has made study trips to the European major cities eg. Amsterdam, Vienna, Berlin, Paris, Manchester and now Barcelona. The Helsinki city Youth department supports the activities financially.
Is there a meaning for all this?
The function and purpose of the Team is to work as voice of the variety of youth organisations, to represent and supervise the interests of the youth organisations to the other active parts of the society. Even though, 1/3 (one third) of the organisations involved are politically committed, the functioning of the Team is not, supposing influencing can be apolitical by nature. The point is to further the dialogue between the organisations and to emphasise the common identity as a part of the youth work grounds. Also, the aim is to influence the society so that the organisations' and youth work needs will be recognised in the decision making